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A will is a legal document by which a person expresses their wishes as to how their property is to be distributed at death, and names a personal representative to manage their estate until its final distribution. If you have minor children, another function of a will is to designate a guardian to raise those children to adulthood.

Having a will is without a doubt one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself and your family. Done properly, it can spell out how you want things handled after you pass away.

There are a number of compelling reasons to have a will. Here are seven:


  1. To empower you to make your own choices on the distribution of your assets, rather than leave it up to state law.
  2. To reduce or avoid disputes and contention among family members.
  3. To minimize the costs, delays, and hassles of settling your affairs.
  4. To name a person you trust to be in charge of winding up your legal and financial business.
  5. To disinherit those you don’t want to receive part of your money or property.
  6. To select guardians for your minor children who reflect your personal values and preferences.
  7. To leave gifts to your church, university, or other favored charities.


At Will & Trust Express, our wills cost $195

Many of our clients choose to use our will packages, which include three additional documents to give them further control over their financial and medical affairs. In addition to the will, these packages include:


  • A General Durable Power of Attorney, which empowers a trustworthy family member or friend to make legal and financial decisions for you when you are incapacitated or unavailable.
  • A Medical Power of Attorney or “Health Care Proxy,” by which you designate someone you trust to provide direction to doctors, hospitals, hospice workers, and other medical personnel when you cannot speak for yourself on such matters.
  • A Living Will in which you specify when “enough is enough” and when you would want to call an end to artificial life support and other “heroic” medical treatments.


At Will & Trust Express, our will packages cost $750 for a single person and $1,050 for a couple. We invite you to sit down with our attorney and talk about your situation.




If you have minor children, one of the most important reasons for having a will is to specify guardians. Guardians are the people who will actually raise your children. You want to think about who has the same values, who has the same perspective on education, on religion, on medical care, all of those core things that make you and your family who you are. The only way to give direction to the court if you pass away is in a will. So if you prepare a will for no other reason, than to specify who will raise your children. That’s important!
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